lily mackay
For a sensitive soul who has been walking through lifetimes of hardship and fate, meeting Carol (and her abundant life’s work) over 2 years ago has undoubtedly changed my experience of life.
From the beginning energy has been my innate language and yet I was aware that throughout my life I struggled to find any balance to the energies I carried with me each day. Enter: Moon astrology, Souls language and the healing power of relaxation.
Through souls language, astrology and relaxation we begin to develop an intimacy and deep awareness of the past life energies that have influenced us unconsciously. This is like a veil that begins to lift as we see and connect our emotional patterns with our behaviors/ situations in life, opening us to an entirely different and unique inner-standing. Change begins to happen in our body and in our energy.
I have watched souls language bring a lightness and a joy to life, a curiosity in the moments of challenge and a relaxation that was never previously thought possible. It creates space for compassion and acceptance to enter the room and the knowing that regardless of the stories of the mind, we are always exactly where we are meant to be for our souls evolution and growth.