soul language cards
Soul language cards are a beautiful honest deck of 352 cards, they bring new insights towards supporting us within our personal soul journey.
With my years working with these magical cards both with clients and self, I’ve never known them not to offer direction or new vision to any situation, no matter how challenging our personal situations maybe.
I developed soul language cards mainly as a soul astrologer, I felt there’s not enough support for souls wanting to learn and understand their soul story, from soul language.

When we ask ourselves…What was it like for our soul participating in those other lifetimes, what lessons remain, what habits where learnt…what did our soul experience… what other lifetimes still touch us this lifetime… As it is common for us not to ask our humble soul to express its mountain of knowing’s and experiences, as our habit of believing our mind is best being in charge of our life choices, leaving us never asking what could our soul add and bring to support our decisions and outcomes. Or what emotions and energy would our soul bring to our life and our life lessons.

We can begin understanding our soul knowing’s through soul language cards as the cards reflect soul’s understanding of life, and the energies soul chooses to meet life with.
Soul language cards support us, in times where our mind is confused for answers around our situations or where overpowering emotions are eating us up. The cards communicate new concepts, allowing solutions to be seen or new vision to be felt giving us direction in how we can physically create change rather than remaining in our painful stagnant ways.
One of the gifts of the cards is they allow us to see how our soul values what our senses and body can contribute in supporting our life, as we witness the beauty of our multiple sensory abilities at work, when choosing our cards we are inviting our senses, as our inner feelings arrives,

our eyesight leads the way as the touch of our fingers creates harmony with our intuition as each card chosen is seen, moving to our next card choice, hearing the cards making up the reading, we witness the elevation of trust of our senses and inner body contribution. Our soul hears our personal messages from the readings, a shift begins to take place, our personal healing continues to deepen.
I could continue sharing the many extraordinary layers of soul language cards or the many magical moments I’ve witnessed while spending time reading for other soul.

So I have no hesitation in recommending your own souls reading, If you feel ready, choosing the soul reader you feel drawn to share your soul story and in the comfort of your chair, witness the unveiling of your story from your soul interpretation, begin to see what you’ve witnessed in other lifetimes and where it has lead you, giving you the gift of where your personal transformation can be felt.
No longer does our soul have to be quiet and continue waiting patiently for us to give our soul a say in how our life is lived. A beautiful moment for any soul, seeing ourselves choosing to moving forward from soul ways.